Recruitment Services

Contract Models

We provide Artificial Intelligence, IT, Life Science and Human Resources job seekers with the most extensive range of jobs available in the market place and match employers with the Most Valuable Candidates (MVCs).


Within our Executive area we search for CEOs, CIOs and CHROs, Board Member and Managing Director (m/f/d).

Every Executive consultant at Liberty Morgan has a deep sector and functional expertise supported by local, regional and global knowledge.

Within their longtime recruitment careers they have established many strong relations to C-Level executives.

Our consultants will use the tools of “Headhunting” and “Direct Search” for your benefit.

In this model 50% of the invoice is issued at the beginning of the recruitment process and 50% after the completion of the employment contract between the client and the placed candidate.

The basis for the professional service invoice in Executive is a certain percentage of the first gross annual salary of the placed candidate, including any kind of variable salary components, commissions and allowances.


With our Perm model, we simplify personal planning for companies and the application process for candidates.

The candidate portfolio includes specialists and managers in IT, Life Sciences and Human Resources.

Due to its “Personal Recruitment” approach, Liberty Morgan is your efficient partner for a successful recruitment process.

As a client you can choose between our services “Contingency” (performance-based) and “Retainer”.

In the Retainer model the first instalment is invoiced at the beginning of the process, the second instalment after receiving the shortlist and the third instalment after the signing of the employment contract between the client and the mediated candidate.

The basis for the professional service invoice in Perm is a certain percentage of the first gross annual salary of the placed candidate, including any kind of variable salary components, commissions and allowances.


The Contracting model of Liberty Morgan offers our clients highly-qualified freelancers.

These specialists have been working as freelancers for years and are creating attractive resumes with their specific job experiences in IT, Life Sciences and Human Resources.

For clients, the advantages of working with freelance specialists are more flexibility as well as the high quality of these experts.

There is no direct contractual relationship between the freelancer and the client.

With its clients, Liberty Morgan works on the basis of a service contract.

Likewise Liberty Morgan has a contractual relationship with the freelancer (framework contract & project specific contract).

All of our consultants receive a legal training with a focus on false-self employment.

Therefore our clients and freelance candidates can always address their (legal) questions to them.

Within our contracting model, we invoice on an hourly or daily rate.

Essential points for our clients to receive the best recruitment results

Together with you we do a profound and strategic definition of your specific requirements in terms of management-, technical- and social skills. In our opinion it is also important that we get a feeling for your company culture so that we can transport this culture to our candidates, to check their cultural fitness. For your benefit we also create an Action Plan with you which includes the desired terminal point of the recruitment process, the number of interviews and the names and disposabilities of the decision maker. Our mutual goal is to find the best candidates available on the market. These MVCs often have several options, so the more information we deliver to them at the start of the recruitment process the more organized your organisation looks. According to our experience this information flow at the beginning can have a big influence on the final decision of the candidate.

For this reason we recommend a general evaluation of your company USPs. The procedure is to put yourself in the candidate´s shoes and decide which of your company strengths could have an impact on the decision behaviour of the candidates you would like to employ (Your products or services, the working atmosphere on-site, growth opportunities within your company, the team the candidate will work with, etc.) Based on the results of this process we can offer you to create an Exposé which can be given to highly qualified candidates.

Liberty Morgan does everything to make recruitment processes as efficient and successful as possible for you. This includes a consistent model of the single steps during the recruitment process:

  • Definition of your Requirements
  • Definition of an Action Plan
  • Definition of your company USPs
  • Advertisement, if desired
  • Personal interview between the Liberty Morgan consultant and the candidate
  • Motivation analysis of the candidate by Liberty Morgan
  • Shortlist of the best candidates (MVCs), including CVs and motivation analysis
  • Mutual analysis of the CVs
  • Telephone interview between the client, the candidate and the Liberty Morgan consultant (if the presence of the latter is requested)
  • Personal interview between the client, the candidate and the Liberty Morgan consultant (if the presence of the of the latter is requested)
  • Monitoring of the contract signing process
  • Onboarding – if desired we will help candidates become acclimatized and help them to become successful in their new position

Of course, we can also adapt this standard process also to your specific requests.

Personal Recruitment

Personal Recruitment means that there is a close connection between Liberty Morgan and our Candidates which is formed by professional and personal bonds and interactions. These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences.

Longtime Personal Relationship

Personal Recruitment means that we focus on offering you highly specialized candidates with whom we have recently worked together successfully and who have the right technical and social skillset.

The Consultants of Liberty Morgan know their markets very well and have long-term personal relationships with their candidates.

Hidden Candidate Champions

Unlike many of our competitors we focus strongly on the “Hidden Candidate Champions” who you can not find on LinkedIn or XING and who are not necessarily applying for a new Job.

Liberty Morgan know these “Hidden Champions” due to our longtime cooperation with these experts , some relations have existed for over 20 years.

So the good thing is, that we know their private motivation for a job change.

Most Valuable Candidates

Only because we are constantly talking to best people in IT and Life Sciences, we know under which conditions these MVCs will be ready for their next Job.

Understand their areas of concern – show sincerity in listening and be genuinely interested.

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