Digital Transformation

Massive Opportunity

The Digital Transformation Market

According to CompTIA, a world’s leading tech association the global information technology industry is on pace to reach $5.2 trillion in 2020.

At the beginnimg of the year 2020 the information and communication technologies (ICT) market in Germany was forecast to have amounted to roughly 172 billion euros ($ 186 billion).

Liberty Morgan is focussed on the most innovative and fast-growing areas of this ICT market.

Within these interesting and important areas of Information Technology, Liberty Morgan matches our clients demands for highly specialized candidates with the preferences of these MVCs.

The digital transformation can also be described as the technological possibility of using the added value in data economically and socially.

Using artificial intelligence to recognize patterns in data, control processes, make decisions and learn from new data is, in addition to the data itself, the key to digitization.

The digital transformation began years ago, but surprisingly, according to their own assessment, most German companies are still at the beginning of the process (Source: IDC Infobyte). The economy is becoming digital: traditional sectors and leading industries merge with digital solutions.

Not only enterprises but also public institutions like schools are realizing what they have missed out on the digital transformation.

That is why many industries and public organisation will probably work with high pressure to close the gap to the digital trailblazers. We expect a high growth of digitalization projects during the next years because on the long run, prosperity can only be secured and expanded if we remain digitally competetive and don’t lose our ability to act.

Liberty Morgan focuses strictly on the most important technologies of digital transformation and thus contributes to its acceleration in Germany

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Giordano Righi

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